Castor Oil, Egg & Honey Hair Mask

Castor Oil, Egg & Honey Hair Mask

Castor Oil, Egg & Honey Hair Mask


The rich and natural nutrients in castor oil help in reducing hair fall and boosting the growth of hair follicles. Split ends are the worst enemy of healthy and good hair but this particular mask incorporates the nourishing power of eggs and the strengthening capabilities of castor oil.

Benefit of Castor oil, Egg & Honey hair mask:-

This mask will help your hair get more nourished and strong.

How to make:-


  • 1 Egg
  • 2 tablespoons of Castor oil
  • 1 tablespoon of Honey


    1. Mix the ingredients in a bowl
    2.  Start applying the mask in sections covering every nook and corner of your hair; be sure that all the damaged areas are thoroughly coated.
  • Then cover it with a plastic shower cap so that the mask stays put. Let the mask sit for at least an hour before rinsing with cold or lukewarm water.

    Buy Castor Oil



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